I'm a Financial Literacy advocate.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

My Initial Funding With COL Financial

Today I'm happy to see my memories in Facebook about my initial funding with COL Financial 2 years ago. COL Financial is the fastest online stockbroker and it is highly recommended by the Truly Rich Club because its the best online trading platform in the Philippines today. Although I know that this month its my 2nd year of investing in the Stock Market, still it was quite surprising to see how did I start and compared how I grow my finances or my portfolio in the Stock Market for the past 2 years!

I was wrong when I said that COL Financial is an online Stock Market haha!
With only Php5,000 initial funding, my portfolio now is almost close to 6 figure! I'm not saying this to brag or something but its more like an accomplishment for me. I can't believe that I can able to save and invest in spite of the challenges that comes along with saving. Maybe you might think that I have a big salary that's why I was able to save and invest in the Stock Market but no. With just a small salary of $250 a month in 2014 along with my bills to pay and debts and other obligations, Php5,000 was big enough for me to start with and be able to invest in the Stock Market. I would like you to see it as an inspiration that if I can do it, you can do it also. As Robert Kiyosaki said,"Its not how much money you make, but how much money you keep."

Indeed, saving money is very challenging to do how much more is investing. But with discipline and commitment to save we can able to overcome these challenges. As I always say, I was inspired when I read the ebook My Maid Invests In The Stock Market... (And Why You Should too). As I was reading that ebook, I was thinking if I can able to commit Php2,000/mo to invest in the Stock Market. For the past 2 years I wasn't consistently investing every month but there were months I put more than Php2,000. So, its just a matter of commitment to save regularly even not consistently every month.

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Happy investing!

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